Ursus School of Shamanism

Are interested in becoming a Shamanic/Somatic Healer?

Somatic healing combines the ancient healing ways of shamanism with best practice psychology and neuroscience.

Ultimately we have a choice to live on the planet or with the planet. If your calling is to live with the planet and you wish to take a deeper healing journey then the Ursus door is open .......

Ursus School of Shamanism

About Shamanic practice

Shamanic practice is one of the unique creations of human beings, arising out of millennia of evolution. It is woven out of the threads of knowledge of the human condition, healing and the celebration of life in the face of adversity. It has contributed to our survival as a species and to the generation of a spiritual perspective which allows us to develop awareness of the nature of the journey through life and the resources we can discover to illuminate this journey. The spiritual aspect of shamanism lies in the recognition of our part in the domains of all life, all beings, nature itself. Shamans remind us of the sacredness of life, our responsibilities to each other in the greater human community and the power of healing to transcend the failings of the body, mind and society. It reaches into the soul of our being and expresses outward in the practices of ritual, myth, healing and creation of new pathways into the future.

Each person can find their place in the world, in spirit and nature (one and the same) and effect changes in themselves and others which enhance wisdom, insight, new forms of intelligence and a personal path.

An application of Shamanism today is using ancient rituals to heal trauma, including PTSD. This program is affiliated with www.wyla.org.au where graduates become eligible to assist with Wyla Wellness programs.

Somatic Healer training workshops

This training program facilitates the development of knowledge and skills which serve both personal and spiritual development, as well as professional practice competencies including best practice psychology and neuroscience.

5 x 4 day workshops each around 8 weeks apart are conducted in the Elebanah Forest at Avoca Beach (1hr north of Sydney Airport or 1hr south of Newcastle Airport). The next course commences 15-18 February 2024. Upon successful completion you can present your certificate to IICT and be accepted as an Alternate Therapist including having access to obtaining Professional Indemnity Insurance, allowing you to legally trade in Australia as a Somatic Healer.

More importantly what is offered is entry into a non judgemental supportive community where we travel together as like minded souls walking the ancient path of shamanic practitioners.

Please contact me for further information