
29 Dec 20

I had a deep sadness and fear within me, years of suffering and pain from many traumas I had endured over my life time. I sought out psychiatrists, psychologists, had years of medication, and countless diagnoses, I tried DBT, EMDR, yet gained little relief. I turned to meditation, Reiki, crystals and plant medicine, and realised I had to remove these blockages; that prevented me from living my full abundant life, that is my birthright, my true essence.O had looked into how I could benefit from a Shamanic healing and went looking for a Shaman. I discovered Orion, and instinctively was drawn to go and work with him. I booked in for the Emergence Program, healings and rituals over 4 days in Elebanah

Orion listened to my stories with kindness and a deep compassion, and without any judgement, he earned my trust and I knew I was in a safe place. After each healing with Orion within the powerful medicine wheel, the release I felt was amazing and I was filled with such incredible love, these were life changing experiences for me. After arriving home three days later, I looked in the mirror there was a glow about me and I was genuinely happy, the spark had returned to my eyes, and I felt whole again.