Matt “Maliki” Palmer

Level 1 Shamanic Practice Training Certified, December 2021

Orion is a deep immersion, powerfully transformative Shamanic teacher & mentor. He bares his soul in a raw & candid fashion along the journey. Which opens the space for you to take off the armour to your soul, too! It’s not only theoretical & philosophical, it’s boots and all in the deep end physically, also! There’s no place to hide (even if you want to at times), which is where your healing & healers journey are catapulted to a new realm of possibilities. With life and soul altering outcomes! At Elebanah (your home amongst Mother Nature, whilst on course) you experience natures majesty, & the contrasting power of the elements first hand, community, connection and heartfelt love! For some, it’s the first time they have been enveloped in such a unique, powerful environment, with it’s profound and unfolding experiences…