PTSD Healing

Twelve years ago I was diagnosed with PTSD. I was a professional firefighter. I was shattered. I was depressed, had anxiety and felt that I had failed. I was a failure and I was angry. My family bore the brunt of this anger. I had no motivation and felt like my life was wasting away.

An opportunity arose to try an alternate source of therapy, Shamanic Healing. I had nothing to lose. I attended the weekend retreat with an open mind, although I was a bit anxious and apprehensive. With each session I began to feel calmer, more trusting and grounded. Living in the bush seemed to be connecting me with nature, and myself. I was losing my anger, becoming more at ease with who I am, and that felt great.

I came away from this session a new person and my wife could see a different person walk back into our home. I felt like I had been re-born. Everything was going to be ok now!

I would have no hesitation in recommending this alternate therapy. After all, we only have one life!

Hartmut Peters
Ex NSW Fire Brigade
22 Feb 19