Simone "Junu" Baron

Level 1 Shamanic Practice Training Certified, December 2021

I heard about this shamanic course and it sounded interesting as I had always felt connected to indigenous cultures and their values. In 2021 I started my shamanic training with Orion and it has been the most empowering learning I have had. He brings a group together to teach community, healing through ritual and understanding through psychology. Living together for 4 days on his property every 2 months allows you to take the learnings away and practise, it allows you to build relationships from a distance so the strengthening of bonds run deep. My belief in myself to be able to deal with someone else's anger, to help shift another persons angst, is something I can now do, and to finally at age 57 know I can stand tall in my power and deal with anything that comes at me, is because of the knowledge I have learned, and through watching a master share his version of how we can connect and respect each other.