
November 2022

My first 16 years comprised of abuse, neglect and abandonment. I spent a long time undiagnosed then was diagnosed with CPTSD, chronic depression, anxiety disorder, panic attacks and an eating disorder. I coped by isolating myself, drinking and taking drugs. I viewed myself as a perpetual victim.

I always had good intentions, but things seemed to constantly go wrong and fall apart. Over the years my desire to ‘get better’ had me in therapy of many modalities. None ever really worked for me.

One day I was at a loss. I needed something to change or I couldn’t keep living this way. My paths crossed with someone who recommended this retreat. From the second I booked in, the healing began. There were plenty of reasons for me to give up and not go, but I knew I had to persevere.

Upon arrival to the retreat, I was immersed in the beauty. Orion cultivates safety. I have never felt instantly comfortable in the presence of a man my entire adult life. He pulls from his knowledge and brings together what is relevant to the person in front of him. A truly tailored experience.

The retreat itself was completely transformative. The highlights. The location is sacred and special. Each day is paced with ample time to settle, talk, nourish yourself, do the work and process. The healing was profound.

In my time since the retreat. It’s truly exponential how much I have changed. It was as if years of therapy were condensed into one weekend. I will be forever grateful to Orion and the land of Elebanah for facilitating this life-changing retreat.